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Sabang City is one of the city in Aceh, Indonesia. This city of islands across the north of the island of Sumatra, the island of Weh Island as the largest.

Kota Sabang is a free economic zone of Indonesia, he is often referred to as the most western point of Indonesia, precisely on the island of Bengal.

In terms of geographical Indonesia, Sabang City area is the most western administrative regions, and directly borders with neighboring countries, namely Malaysia, Thailand, and India.

Area Sabang City is surrounded by the Strait of Malacca in the North, the South Indian Ocean, the Strait of Malacca in the East and the Indian Ocean in the West.


1. Island Bengal
2. Klah Island (0.186 km ²)
3. Rondo Island (0.650 km ²)
4. Rubiah Island (0.357 km ²)
5. Seulako Island (0.055 km ²)
6. Weh Island (121 km ²)


* Lowlands (3%)
* Wavy (10%)
* Is hilly (35%)
* Mountainous (52%), and
* Along the beach filled with rocks.

Weh Island

Weh Island is a freshwater lake called Lake Aneuk Laot.

Weh Island is a volcanic island, an island atoll (coral island) is the process of experiencing the rapture of the sea surface. The process of in three stages, as evidenced by the existence of three terrace located at different heights.

Weh Island is generally composed of two types of rock, ie rock Tuf marina and the core. Tuf marinas found along the coast almost to the height of 40 to 50 meters. Tuf the widest layer obtained around the city of Sabang, off the coast of the narrow-lined. Small rocks are volcanic rocks are andesitic.

Based on the region, it appears that the western Weh island is most severe topography. Kris Sarongs starting from the highest peak in the east, there are three rows of berjolak back into the West Sea, so the valleys in between the narrow back.

Topography in the east of the mountains that there is a direction from north to south that separates the East Weh Island with the rest. Mount Leumo Mate is the highest peak. In this section there is a layer Tuf larger marinas. Between eastern and western parts there are two rivers flow, namely Laot Man River and Sungai Raya. This area is a slenk of a fleksun (imperfect standards).

Geological conditions of this region consists of 70% volcanic rock (andesite), 27% sedimentary rock (online stone and sand stone), and alluvial deposits of 3% (recent deposits).


Weh island has two seasons, the rainy season and dry season. The rainy season usually falls in September to February. Dry season in March until August. According to the Meteorological Station of the measurements of Sabang, which recorded rainfall average of 1745 to 2232 mm / year, with the lowest number in March of 18 mm and the highest rate in September of 276 mm. In September and October occurred the transition from dry season to rainy season.


Kota Sabang before World War II was the most important port city than Temasek (now Singapore).

Sabang has been widely known as a natural harbor called Kolen Station by the Dutch colonial government since 1881. In 1887, the firm assisted Sabang Haven Delange obtain authority to add, build supporting facilities and port facilities. Era of free port in Sabang began in 1895, known as the haven and managed vrij Maatschaappij Station Kolen en Zeehaven hereinafter known as Maatschaappij Sabang. World War II influence the conditions in which the year Sabang Sabang 1942 Japanese troops occupied and bombed by Allied aircraft and physical damage until later forced to close.

In the early days of Indonesian independence, became the center of defense Sabang Navy United States of Indonesia (RIS) with the full authority of the government through the Defense Ministerial Decree No. 9/MP/50 RIS. All assets purchased Maatschaappij Sabang port Indonesian Government. Then in 1965 established the Municipal government of Sabang on the basis of Law No. 10/1965 and dirintisnya initial idea to reopen as a Free Port and Free Trade Zone.

The idea was then implemented and strengthened by the publication of Law No 3 / 1970 on Sabang Free Trade and the Law No. 4 / 1970 on the establishment of a Regional Sabang Free Trade and Free Port. And the reason for the opening of Batam Island Free Trade Zone and Free Port of Batam, Sabang was forced to shut down based on Law No. 10/1985. Then in 1993 formed the Regional Economic Cooperation Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT) which makes Sabang very strategic in the economic development in South Asia region.

In the year 1997 in Gapang Beach, Sabang, last Jamboree Science and Technology (Science) initiated a study focusing BPPT want to develop re-Sabang. Followed later in the year 1998 City of Sabang and Pulo Aceh District serve as the Integrated Economic Development Zone (KAPET) which together other KAPET, inaugurated by President BJ Habibie Keppes No. 171 in 1998 on September 28, 1998.

New era for Sabang, when in 2000 there Pencanangan the Sabang Free Trade Zone and Free Port by President KH. Abdurrahman Wahid in Sabang with the issuance of Presidential Instruction No. 2 of 2000 on January 22, 2000. And then substitute the issuance of Government Regulation Law No. 2 of 2000 dated 1 September 2000 then passed into Law Number 37 Year 2000 on Free Trade Zone and Free Port of Sabang.

Activity and the Free Port of Sabang Free Trade in 2002 began to throb with the entry of goods from abroad to the Sabang area. But in the year 2004 this activity stopped because of Aceh established as the Regional Military Emergency.

Sabang is also experiencing Earthquake and Tsunami on December 26, 2004, but because the trenches in the Gulf of Sabang Sabang is the result of the tsunami survivors. So then Sabang used as a transit point and the sea air that brings aid to tsunami victims in Aceh mainland. Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Agency (BRR) Aceh-Nias set Sabang as a transit point for shipments of construction materials and others that will be used on the mainland Aceh.

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