Rote Island

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Rote Island, also called Roti Island, is an island in East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. Rote is the southernmost area of Indonesia. The island is famous for its distinctiveness palm cultivation, nature tourism beach, music Sasando, and custom hats Langga Ti'i. Rote status as a district with a district Rote Ndao through Law No. 9 of 2002



Rote Island consists of 96 islands, 6 of them uninhabited. This region is influenced by the dry climate of monsoon winds and the rainy season is relatively short (3-4 months). Northern and southern parts of the coast with the lowlands, while the middle is the valleys and hills. This island may be surrounded within a relatively short time.


From Kupang, the capital of East Nusa Tenggara, this area can be reached by sea and transport aircraft. The traffic of goods and services generally rely on the ferry every day to serve the route Kupang-Baa about four hours. Other routes, such as Makassar and Surabaya, is served by boats and motor boats from the port of the people (Pelra), such as Papela (Eastern Rote), Oelaba (Rote Barat Laut), Batutua (Rote Barat Daya), and Ndao (Ndao Island). Air Line until now only once a week.



Agriculture became a source of economic Rote Ndao total value of USD 213.2 billion in 2002. The role of food crops 18.22% of the total agriculture contributes half of economic activity, while livestock and fisheries 17.48% 12.22%. Of 53,986 people aged 15 years and over who worked, those who berkegiatan food crops in the highest (62.46%) - especially in the West Rote Lobalain and Sea - while fishing meyumbang 5.74% and 2.14% animal husbandry.

Area of about 53,797 hectares, 13,000 of whom irrigation for paddy rice gogo rancah. Production of 4-5 tons per hectare, or an average of 23,697 tons per year. Outside the rice, which is an important crop in value is large peanut seeds which yield lower cholesterol, red onion, watermelon, chilli, corn, and sorghum. Most is produced in Rote Southwest, Northwest, East, and the New Pantai.

Other commodities

Another well-known commodities are palm leaves, coconut, and cashew nuts. With approximately 82,000 ha of land, the sugar produced on average 200 tons per year. Residents usually processed into sugar palm sap plates, sugar ant, the sugar water, and gin. Gin is a typical drink Rote Ndao which is fermented palm wine and high alcohol. If processed further, the results can be used medical alcohol.


Behind the keterpencilannya, Rote has cattle grazing land. Until now that utilized pasture 20,512 ha or approximately 16% of the total area. This does not include the 40,000 ha of unused land that could be used for that activity. Most of the natural pastures, mainly Andropogon species, are on unused land is a natural grass and dry land with scrub vegetation.

Cows, buffaloes, and horses reared in Rote many East, Central, and Northwest. As for goats, sheep, pigs, and poultry-chickens and ducks, more evenly throughout the district. Until last year, 19,277 cattle population tails, 10,524 buffalo tail, and horse tail 4095. All three become commodities that are sold to Jakarta and Makassar through Kupang. Until February 2004, "exports" tails 1336 beef cattle, buffalo tail 1000, and 350 horse tails. For the Java market, is required for animal horse pullers, was in Makassar as a workhorse in areas not reached by land transportation.

Breeding is a tradition since the first one Rote. Maintenance system is still traditional, moving freely in the open and if there dikandangkan purposes. As a local farm, local market meat needs are met. Before the district separated from the parent, this region is producing at the provincial level.

Livestock commodities seem to have some problems. In addition to the maintenance patterns, natural conditions make the supply of feed and water during the dry season decline. Generally, the river is at the low. Flow of water in the dry season is very small, even many of the dry because the water catchment area (upper) river is not forested. Another constraint is the loss due to animal disease outbreaks such as septihemia epizootica (SE) that attacks cattle and buffalo and hog cholera in pigs. Because many roads are not paved, the cost of transportation from the port district to be high. On the other hand, sea transport (for livestock) to Kupang rely solely on the ferry. In addition, theft, limited capital breeders, and the threat of locusts and grass acasia nilotika (a deadly natural grass) is also a problem.

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